Phytotherapy - medicinal plants - Chamomile

manzanilla y sus beneficios

Since time immemorial, we have been collecting information from our ancestors about the health benefits of plants, herbs and flowers.

This is how phytotherapy was born, a discipline that has been lovingly interested in the treatment of plants and the verification of their properties for health.

In 2018, the General Council of Official Pharmaceutical Colleges and the Phytotherapy Research Center presented a document entitled "Phytotherapy in the hands of experts". The objective of this document was to defend phytotherapy and demonstrate the importance of alternative therapies for health. In Europe it is used by a large part of the population, in Spain it is still not so popular. The World Health Organization talks about phytotherapy in its strategic plan and highlights its importance in alternative medicine. For this reason, some pharmacists have launched a study to demonstrate its effects and put an end to talking about this type of therapy in a derogatory way once and for all.

Over the years, studying ancient Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, and then all the natural ways to treat all kinds of diseases using plants, nature has shown its power and importance in our lives and health.

Today we will talk about Chamomile and its benefits.

Chamomile flowers are one of the best known and also most popular plants used for medicinal purposes. Dried chamomile is used for infusions and teas. Chamomile is rich in substances that are rarely found in plants, such as antiallergenic chamazulens and alpha-bisabolols. It also contains flavonoids and vitamin C. For what ailments should chamomile tea be used?

Chamomile characteristics

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) grows between 15 and 50 centimeters in height and is recognized by its rather strong aroma, it is native to the eastern Mediterranean and is currently very popular throughout the world. It is characterized by flower heads 1.5 to 2.5 cm in diameter with white petals and a yellow center. Chamomile capillaries are harvested once flowering has started and are successfully used as an ingredient in various medicinal preparations, due to the nutrients they contain.

Chamomile medicinal properties

Chamomile flowers are the most valuable. They contain a large amount of essential oil rich in vitamins and minerals.

Chamomile has relaxing, anti-inflammatory, deodorant, wound healing accelerator, antibacterial and stimulant properties of skin metabolism, inflammation of the stomach and intestines. It can be used in inflammations of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as in bacterial disorders of the mouth. According to studies, the oil and extract of this plant have a positive effect against infections caused, among others, by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus or the yeast Candida albicans.

Chamomile is also used in cases of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and mouth, problems derived from inflammation of the digestive tract and urinary tract, externally in the form of poultices, for example, on decubitus ulcers, or to treat varicose veins of the anus.

The infusion of chamomile, thanks to its content of flavonoids and coumarin derivatives, improves digestion and the flow of bile in the bile ducts. If you take it after a meal that is difficult to digest, it will speed up digestion, but it will not cause other stomach discomfort, since it prevents stomach hyperacidity. Even people with peptic ulcer can drink it. It also has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect, apart from inhibiting the secretion of histamine, so it can be used even in conjunctivitis or during allergies. It has a repairing effect on skin with burns, skin allergies, and also promotes skin healing in juvenile acne.

Drinking chamomile tea is calming and makes it easier to fall asleep. Thanks to its compounds, chamomile relaxes and calms the nerves. You can also take a bath with the infusion or spray it on the pillow before going to bed.

In addition, it has been shown that chamomile has antidiabetic effects, that is, it prevents an excessive increase in blood glucose and has a protective effect on the pancreas.

Another use of this plant is in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, since the infusion of chamomile can be used for inhalation, at the first symptoms of a cold. Inhalation with chamomile can make breathing easier. More benefits of the magical chamomile: relieves muscle pain, including menstrual pain

Chamomile used in beauty

Chamomile extracts have been used for years in hair care products. It is a hair lightener, ideal for blonde hair and dull and dull hair. A chamomile rinse lightens hair, even color-treated hair, and makes blonde hair shine.

Chamomile in cosmetics

As it is a plant that practically does not cause allergies, it is used in cosmetics as an active ingredient in creams, bath lotions, skin or hair masks.

Chamomile contraindications

The use of chamomile compresses can cause an allergic reaction although it is a completely anti-allergic plant, but there are cases.

Therefore, contraindications to the use of chamomile are, paradoxically, allergy and skin prone to irritation. It can also weaken or enhance the effects of the medication we take. For this reason, it is advisable to consult your doctor before introducing chamomile into your daily diet.

Chamomile and pregnancy

Chamomile can be used during pregnancy and can successfully replace cosmetics or medications that could harm the developing baby in the womb. It can also be used in cases of cystitis, nausea during pregnancy, headaches or hypersensitive nipples.

Chamomile in the kitchen

As an edible plant, chamomile is a great ingredient for decorating dishes. It can be used in soups or salads or cake decorations.

home uses of chamomile

Chamomile poultice

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of chamomile baskets, water.

Preparation: Pour boiling water over the chamomile baskets and wait about 15 minutes. When everything has cooled down, wash the eyes with the infusion thus prepared. Very good remedy for conjunctivitis or when we simply have tired eyes.

chamomile rinse

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of chamomile, water.

Preparation: Pour about 3 tablespoons of chamomile in a glass of boiling water and let cool. After this time, strain everything and mix with warm water (in the proportion of half a glass of water for every 5 tablespoons of chamomile). With a cotton cloth soaked in the rinse to clean the intimate area in case of inflammation or irritation.

Enjoy the benefits of chamomile at home.

Naturals Tribe